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Flixya is the best way to earn money from

Posted by Msry 7or on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 , under | Comments (0)

If you’re reading this, then you’re interested in making money online. Great! So, you have something in common with the 500,000+ users on Flixya. Flixya pays users to share videos, photos and articles! Sounds pretty cool, right? That’s why it has been getting quite a bit of attention lately.
How does it work? They leverage the AdSense API and split 100% of the revenue with content creators. In fact, they are the first company to do what they’re doing.
“We believe that the true value of social networking is the community, and we continue to strive to promote member ownership with our platform.”
Here are the three best things about Flixya


100% Revenue Split

Flixya is officially the first social networking platform to pay users 100% of the ad revenues from user-generated content. In the original version, the split was 50/50, but they’ve taken it up a notch (or two ;) ).
“With the AdSense API, we have a solution that fully enables the business model we’ve long dreamed of. Very few companies online or offline can state that they are giving back 100 percent of the revenue their members earn and still remain profitable.”
So, when you create great content, you will grab plenty of traffic. When those leads click the AdSense ads on Flixya, you get 100% of the revenue. The real benefit here is that all you have to do to make money online is create and share awesome photos, articles, or videos.
This isn’t chump change either. Users have reported earning enough from Flixya to quit their 9 to 5


No Landing Page Required

Possibly the biggest benefit of using Flixya to make money online is that it’s easy. Compare it to affiliate marketing. You need to do keyword research, compile a list of keywords, add them to AdWords, create a landing page, optimize the landing page, etc. There are so many steps involved with affiliate marketing.
With Flixya, all you have to do is create content you think visitors will like (this gets easier with time), upload it and then wait for the money to roll in. It saves you the trouble of creating your own website, managing your own AdSense account, etc


It’s Fun

Duh! How often have you visited websites like Funny or Die and thought about how sweet it would be to work there? Flixya is a general interest website, which means you can share anything and everything. In what world is that not a fun way to make money?
“Flixya is not all about making money. Often times, our members find that sharing content is an enjoyable activity, above and beyond the added benefit of earning an income online.”
Have you tried Flixya or read about it in the news? What do you think of the way they’re using the AdSense API

How to make money from your blog: 5 tips

Posted by Msry 7or on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 , under | Comments (0)

Many people who write blogs today simply want to share their opinion on something. But then there are the business-minded folks, who have found a way to use blogs, or Web logs, to bring in a little extra cash too.
If you're interested in taking it further — blogging for bucks, if you will — here are five strategies that could turn your blog into a moneymaker

1. Sell advertising.  
This is likely the most
common means of leveraging a blog to generate income. If yours happens to become a well-known blog, or one that is well-received in a particular niche, it's always possible to sell ad space on your own. For Bing Blogs and services such as Google's AdSense or BlogAds, bloggers can establish ad programs. AdSense's — which lets you select several ads that are consistent with the content of your blog — pays you based on how many readers click on the ads for further information. Even better, it's free. BlogAds, on the other hand, hooks bloggers up with would-be

2. Help sell others' products.

Here is another click-through opportunity. Affiliate programs enable your blog to serve as a conduit between readers and online sites offering various goods and services. One popular choice is If, for instance, you offer book reviews or even just mention a book in passing in your blog, an affiliate program provides a means for your readers to click directly from your blog to Amazon to obtain further information about the book.
If they break out the checkbook or
charge card, you get paid as well.

 3. Solicit contributions.

Not every blog-related income opportunity involves hawking goods or services. As Blanche DuBois said in A Streetcar Named Desire, consider relying on the kindness of strangers. Ask for contributions. If, for instance, your small-business blog supports a cause or issue in some fashion — say you repeatedly mention tax reform, health care or some other topic — you can always ask for reader support. Even if you've attracted a group of regular followers who simply enjoy reading what you have to say, they may be willing to underwrite their loyalty with a little financial help. Programs such as PayPal make it easy to establish a simple on-site contribution collection button. "There are lots of worthy 'cause' blogs that would qualify for donations from grateful members of the blog community," says Las Vegas communications consultant Ned Barnett.

4. Market your services in your blog. 

Many people associate blogs exclusively with a cyberspace-based soapbox — a place
to shout your opinions and little more than that. Granted, blogs are an ideal venue to share your thoughts with others, but don't overlook their capacity to generate new business as well. When appropriate, work in references to what you do and, in turn, what you may be able to offer any would-be client or customer who may be reading your blog. That can spread your opinion and your business moxie at the same time."Instead of short commentaries that begin a dialogue with readers, as many blogs do, I write the equivalent of journal articles that demonstrate my abilities, strategies and perspectives on specific issues,"
Barnett says. "When it resonates, it means money. Since starting this approach, I have generated three new paying clients and brought in about $10,000 on revenue — directly attributable to specific blogs." 

5. Use a blog to deepen your existing customer relations.

Nor does any marketing material inserted in blog content have to be limited to bringing in completely new business. By using a blog to regularly communicate with existing clients as well as other readers, you can take advantage of the opportunity to fully inform them about everything
your business does. That may expand your readers' understanding of the full scope of your products or services."My blog has helped existing clients determine the range of my skills and services," says Ted Demopoulos of Demopoulos Associates, a
Durham, N.H. consulting and training concern. "One client who had only used me for training in the past was surprised at my range of expertise and is now using me for a consulting project. Another who only used me on technical projects is now considering me for a more business-oriented project."

Step 3 Focus...The internetwork marketin system

Posted by Msry 7or on Friday, July 22, 2011 , under | Comments (0)

Step 3 Focus
How many different business opportunities, get rich quick schemes, downline clubs, affiliate and associate programs and numerous related articles including this one have you looked at?
"The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."
If you are always on the lookout for a better opportunity from the word go, you have failed already. Focus is about setting your goal, write it down, then focus on that goal. Choose your path and stick to it, select your opportunity and make it succeed.
Follow the Internetwork Marketing System™ from start to finish and keep repeating...
1. Define your goal - i.e. success
2. Select Path (Method)
3. Select Opportunity
4. Sell product & build downline (sign-ups) by promotion
5. Earn Money
6. Develop sign-ups to follow the system
7. Earn more money
8. Repeat from Step 4...
The things that hold this all together are firstly focus that we have mentioned but also development which should be practically automated by your front end system. You must focus your efforts onto your core business opportunity by promoting the front end system for it. It may take a long time to reach a senior level in an opportunity, but it speeds up after that. The key to a good Front End System is in fact the back end support systems it links into. People only fail in network marketing when they don't receive the right level of support (and this includes picking the wrong product!)
If you keep jumping around between opportunities or take on too much at once you will never fulfill your potential. So focus your efforts in one direction, your goal. Always remember one thing, contrary to the hype, it takes time to build a solid profitable business. If you're after a fast buck forget it!
Next we move onto promoting your newly acquired business opportunity which you are focusing your efforts towards...

Step 2 Scambusters...The internetwork marketin system

Posted by Msry 7or on , under | Comments (0)

Step 2 Scambusters - No More Network Marketing Dead Ends
First stop could be the various network marketing scamwatch ezines and mailing lists to do a cross reference on your new network marketing business opportunity for review. But how about this one:
Common sense!
Does the website look well produced, well thought out? Professional?
How long have they been in business?
The back end core business is the important bit, they take your money, not the front end. So check their website as well. The front end becomes dead end if it is badly written or presented badly, after all it is there to encourage people to sign-up!
Avoid the tell tale signs...
"Get Rich Quick"
"Free Money"

"No work, earn a million"
"Free Opportunity"
Also avoid anything that promotes itself as 'sign-up now while it is still a new ground floor opportunity'. If it really is advantageous to join early on - doesn't that really mean that it will be harder for your sign-ups to succeed, and harder still for their sign-ups and so on?
Ground Floor opportunity actually means that everyone starts on the ground floor, so whether you join now or five years ago has no impact on your potential earnings. You are rewarded purely on your efforts and those of your downline. This also means that it is quite easy to earn more than your upline.
That's all there is to say on scams, it's all common sense. Just follow your instincts and if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
So let's move right along. You've selected your path, chosen a business opportunity preferably via a front-end, it's not a scam so you join. This leads to our next section, focus...

Step 1 The Right Path...The internetwork marketin system

Posted by Msry 7or on , under | Comments (0)

Before starting, a quick glossary of network marketing terms for beginners and the more experienced alike:
Network Marketing and MLM (Multi Level Marketing)
MLM is similar to network marketing in that anyone you sponsor/sign-up to an opportunity becomes your 1st level member. Anyone your 1st level member sponsors becomes your 2nd level member, anyone your 2nd level member sponsors becomes your 3rd level member. And so on...
The difference between the two is that with MLM you only earn from enrolling new distributors/affiliates, with Network Marketing you can earn an income just from selling the products and earn from a combination of your sales and your downline's.
This is the network family tree of your sponsored members and their sponsored members and their sponsored members etc etc.
This is the family tree going backwards showing the person who sponsored you, then the person who sponsored them and so on...
Commission Plan or Pay Plan
The important factor with network marketing is the structure of commissions earnt at each level of your downline. eg 10% of 1st level sales, 40% 2nd level sales and 10% 3rd level sales. This will then be followed by various bonuses based on total sales volumes etc, eg 2% of total business sales divided amongst qualifying members.
Bonus Value. A reference figure relating to the amount of sales made. Commissions are paid based on BV. Think of BV as business volume where 1 BV point usually equates to just over $1 of sales. Sometimes called PV or LP.
An insurance policy. Commissions are usually only paid if you meet minimum BV requirements. So, if you don't sell enough product (or any at all) autoship automatically orders the minimum requirement for yourself. The reason for minimum order requirements is for both business and legal reasons - if you are not an active representative, you are not entitled to commissions (stops people just promoting the opportunity and never selling/using any product!)
WARNING - This should only be used as an insurance policy. If you aren't meeting your minimum sales regularly then it is unlikely that your downline will be able to either - not a sustainable business model.
These are some of the many terms you will come across when reviewing any business opportunity. Now, back to finding the right path for you.
An Internetwork Marketing path is in fact the method used by a business opportunity, or its structure. Depending on your current circumstances, skills, time constraints etc you will choose the path most suited to your situation. Here are summaries of the main methods/paths you will encounter:
1) Network Marketing or Direct Selling
This is the deep end of the business opportunity pool. You must often invest a lot more time and money into these opportunities, receive training and work as a team. Can be a lot harder to get sign-ups and even harder to teach your sign-ups to get sign-ups. You will find commission plans paying most on 2nd and 3rd level sales for obvious reasons, it promotes growth. Potential earnings are also far greater than any other method and is also the only method that has true 'residual income'.
However - it is not always as hard as it first seems with the right support systems and training in place (more on this later!)
2) MLM Cyclers
Usually your first steps into MLM. These are the ones to be very careful with. Consider these as Network Marketing for beginners. You pay one initial sign-up fee which should actually buy you something (if it doesn't it may well be a scam). When you have signed-up a fixed number of new people you get a payout, some more product and re-entry into the system (hence a cycle). These are the cheapest way to get involved in an MLM Business Opportunity. The only flaw with these systems is that because nobody is buying a regular BV, commissions are only generated from new sign-ups. And you will need more sign-ups every time you cycle. And don't expect most cycler programs to still be around in 5 years time! These are not recommended.
3) Associate & Affiliate Programs
The most basic of business opportunity methods. A simple system of selling other companies products by directing them to your associate website. Straight commission per sale, sometimes 2 tier (2 level - earn from signing up other associates). If you have a popular website this is the easiest way to generate short term income by selecting a related product of interest to your current website traffic. i.e. don't promote beachwear on an Eskimo website.
More recently these have become the most profitable and sustainable opportunities as the market becomes saturated in MLM. If they have a multi tier commission structure they can be considered sales focussed network marketing.
Don't panic!
It may all seem a little too much to just jump in and setup your own business, but you have The Internetwork Marketing System™ to help. Most of the hard work and skills needed can be reproduced and automated via computer, using what we call a front-end system.
Front End Systems
A front end system provides all the information on the opportunity, answers your prospects questions, helps sign them up and makes sales of your products and duplicates to give them the same tools. Better front ends will also have member areas with training guides and numerous tips. Some may also contain chat rooms, forums and downline viewers, totally free of charge! A lot of existing front ends get prospects to join to gain access to the Member Area before actually joining the core opportunity.
You will find that the best opportunities combine numbers 1 and 3 above using a front end system that handles everything for you, from sales to recruiting.
So whatever path you decide is right for you, the secret of the whole system is to join a front end system based on that path to handle your prospects, optimise commissions and introduce the opportunity. Or, more importantly, a system that provides you and your future sign-ups a simple marketing plan, trains you on how to use it and therefore trains your sign-ups to do the same.
The secret to success in network marketing is a simple duplicable system that anyone can follow, not just experienced networkers. Both online, offline and a combination of the two, for both part-time and full-time participants. PLUS a product you truly believe in AND a product that is easy to sell.
No sensible networker will ever advise you to rely 100% on the systems, and with very good reason. The systems assist you in every aspect of your business, but the power of network marketing only begins to multiply when you keep your downline growing too. This can only be done by building relationships with your team, no computer can do that!
Selecting Your Core Opportunity
Picking your core opportunity can be a very personal thing. You may have had previous experience in a particular industry for example, but eventually it will come down to one key decision - what you are selling/promoting.
The tip here is to realise that every opportunity has three facets.
1) Retailing. This is just focusing on selling a product to a customer to earn a commission.
2) Customer Lead Marketing Plan. Although it is business builders that will make you the most money, every opportunity will have a marketing plan to follow up with your customers to convert them into business builders. This is a very powerful marketing plan since customers make the best distributors of products, having a personal story to tell.
3) Business Lead Marketing Plan. This is the same for every opportunity although not many people realise it! By learning basic network marketing techniques and perfecting them, they are then easy to share with your downline. This is the key to a successful network marketing business. You are in the people business, your core opportunity is just the vehicle.
Please note, just relying on number 3 below will not build you a sustainable business.
Onto the next chapter: Front End, Back End or Dead End - The Scambuster...

Introduction to The internetwork marketing system

Posted by Msry 7or on , under | Comments (0)

hey.. I'm back and I'll now make something like a course in network marketing 
this will help beginners to be more familiar with this 


It's a scary world, a very scary world.
We live in a world where network marketing can be as daunting to the beginner as to the more experienced in business, especially when combined with the shear size and power of the internet. Online, everything is run by computers, so it is possible to automate most of the hard work. This one fact gives internet based business the great advantage of taking the burden of everyday tasks.
So a natural combination of the internet, network marketing and a good product makes a strong team that can lead to your financial success.
But with dreams come nightmares which can cost you time and money. Indeed, a very scary world.
But don't panic, let's try and ease those sleepless nights!
This free online course covers many topics including: How to choose the right path/method for you and then the right business opportunity on that path; avoiding the scams; Training, Recruiting and Promoting your new business; Lead Generation and finally introducing our recommended, and my chosen, business opportunity.
Alternatively you can just cut to the chase
Read on and enjoy the course!


What is Traded?

Posted by Msry 7or on Sunday, July 17, 2011 , under , , | Comments (0)

The simple answer is MONEY.
Because you're not buying anything physical, this kind of trading can be confusing.
Think of buying a currency as buying a share in a particular country, kinda like buying stocks of a company. The price of the currency is a direct reflection of what the market thinks about the current and future health of the Japanese economy.
When you buy, say, the Japanese yen, you are basically buying a "share" in the Japanese economy. You are betting that the Japanese economy is doing well, and will even get better as time goes. Once you sell those "shares" back to the market, hopefully, you will end up with a profit.
In general, the exchange rate of a currency versus other currencies is a reflection of the condition of that country's economy, compared to other countries' economies.
By the time you graduate from this School of Pipsology, you'll be eager to start working with currencies.

Major Currencies


Symbol Country Currency Nickname
USD United States Dollar Buck
EUR Euro zone members Euro Fiber
JPY Japan Yen Yen
GBP Great Britain Pound Cable
CHF Switzerland Franc Swissy
CAD Canada Dollar Loonie
AUD Australia Dollar Aussie
NZD New Zealand Dollar Kiwi
Currency symbols always have three letters, where the first two letters identify the name of the country and the third letter identifies the name of that country's currency.
Take NZD for instance. NZ stands for New Zealand, while D stands for dollar. Easy enough, right?
The currencies included in the chart above are called the "majors" because they are the most widely traded ones.
We'd also like to let you know that "buck" isn't the only nickname for USD.
There's also: greenbacks, bones, benjis, benjamins, cheddar, paper, loot, scrilla, cheese, bread, moolah, dead presidents, and cash money.
So, if you wanted to say, "I have to go to work now."
Instead, you could say, "Yo, I gotta bounce! Gotta make them benjis son!"
Or if you wanted to say, "I have lots of money. Let's go to the shopping mall in the evening."
Instead, why not say, ""Yo, I gots mad scrilla! Let's go rock that mall later."
Did you also know that in Peru, a nickname for the U.S. dollar is Coco, which is a pet name for Jorge (George in Spanish), a reference to the portrait of George Washington on the $1 note?